Safety Concerns Rise as Surat Diamond Bourse Sits on Accident
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Safety Concerns Rise as Surat Diamond Bourse Sits on Accident

Jul 02, 2023


Surat : The Surat Diamond Bourse (SDB), dubbed the world’s largest office building even surpassing the Pentagon, is under the spotlight again, this time for its unfortunate proximity to the treacherous State Highway 168 intersection. Known as the “diamond bourse chokdi,” this intersection at Khajod in Surat has gained notoriety for its grisly track record of accidents and fatalities.

In the most recent tragic incident, a fatal collision claimed two lives – a man and a woman – when their car collided with a speeding dumper that had abruptly applied brakes upon encountering the notorious speed breakers on the intersection. The collision left the ill-fated car occupants with grave injuries, and claimed the lives of Bhavika, a young woman, and Indrajeet Tailor, a man.

The dangerous speed breakers at the diamond bourse chokdi have drawn criticism, particularly due to their poor visibility during the night hours when vehicles zoom along the highway at top speed. The collision that led to the latest fatalities was triggered when the dumper ahead applied emergency brakes due to these bumps, resulting in the car crashing into the rear of the dumper with a deafening impact.

The upcoming inauguration of the Surat Diamond Bourse by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on December 17 is generating excitement, but the focus has now shifted to the safety concerns posed by the perilous speed breakers at the diamond bourse chokdi.

With about 1,000 diamond offices set to begin operations from November 21, hundreds of traders and dealers are expected to throng the bourse, making the safety of these visitors a paramount concern.

As anticipation builds for the inauguration, questions are raised about whether these hazardous speed breakers will be addressed to ensure the safety of travelers on State Highway 168. The precarious reputation of the diamond bourse chokdi as the most accident-prone intersection is giving rise to the demand for immediate measures to ensure safe passage for those venturing to the bustling diamond hub.

“The intersection’s reputation for tragic accidents has raised a vital question about the delicate balance between progress and safety. With the diamond bourse set to become a hub of commerce and activity, finding a solution to the intersection’s notorious dangers is an imperative that cannot be ignored” said a diamond industry leader asking anonymity.


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